Hackathon Webinar: Introduction to Ocean Data Platform: from architecture to using features

Hackathon Webinar: Introduction to Ocean Data Platform: from architecture to using features

Start: Wednesday 26th June 2024

In this webinar, Ocean Data Platform’s Lead Solution Architect, Thomas Fredriksen, presents the architecture of the platform and the design decisions taken to support data sharing, collaboration, and advanced analytics. 

As ODP begins to open to the world, Iliad partners and hackathon participants will be given prioritised access to support the development of Digital Twins of the Ocean. Tom Redd from HUB Ocean will follow with a hands on demonstration of the key features of ODP and how they could be used in building Digital Twins of the Ocean and interoperate with other DTO systems.


Introduction: Bente Lilja Bye (BLB)

Ocean Data Platform Architecture: Thomas Fredriksen (Hub Ocean)

Using the Ocean Data Platform: Tom Redd (Hub Ocean)

26 June 2024, 14:00 - 15:00 CET

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