Iliad Webinar Series: Data lakes and data spaces - Towards best practices
Start: Wednesday 14th February 2024
End: Wednesday 14th February 2024
The next webinar in the Iliad series, "Data lakes and data spaces - Towards best practices " will take place virtually on 14th February 2024 at 15:00 CET.
Developing a digital twin of the ocean requires various combinations of processing a large amount of data and smaller diverse sets of data (big data: velocity, volume, value, variety and veracity). The concepts of data lakes and data spaces and combinations of these go into the development of digital twins. How do we do these combinations in the best possible way? The solution is to follow standards and best practices. What are the best practices - or rather how can they be collectively created and these best practices shared? The webinar will be both educational (definitions of data lakes, data spaces, best practices) with presentations of approaches of combined use of data spaces and data lakes, and discussions on how we can efficiently co-design functional best practices.
Welcome and introduction to Iliad
Bente Lilja Bye, BLB
Approaches to data spaces and data lakes in Iliad digital twins of the ocean
Arne Jørgen Berre, SINTEF digital
Data lakes and data spaces in Destination Earth?
Thomas Geenen ECMWF
Towards data space support for digital twins with data lakes
Tom Redd,HubOcean
The Green Deal Data Spaces
Joan Maso, CREAF
The GREAT project “Marrying Complex Technology with Robust Governance, Promoting Circulation”
Mark Dietrich, EGI
Arne-Jørgen Berre, SINTEF Digital

Thomas Geenen

Tom Redd

Joan Maso

Mark Dietrich

Bente Lilja Bye

About the Iliad Webinar Series
The Iliad webinar series aims to support communication across different disciplines and to facilitate the co-design processes and engagement with key stakeholders, a series of webinars and trainings covering topics ranging from technical to economics and policy are offered to Iliad partners.