SBDI Days: Towards Data-Driven Ecology
Start: Wednesday 24th January 2024
End: Thursday 25th January 2024
The SBDI consortium invites the entire scientific community with a keen interest in data-driven research for this two-day event. The event will be held at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm and will focus on revolutionising ecology research through the power of big data.
Unlocking the Potential of Big Data in Ecology: Ecology research is on the brink of a major transformation with the impending 'data deluge.' The wealth of biodiversity and environmental data presents unprecedented opportunities, but it also poses challenges for researchers in biodiversity, ecology, conservation biology, and systematics.
Why Attend? This symposium is a unique opportunity for the Swedish biodiversity research community to unite, collaborate, and address the challenges posed by the data revolution. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a curious mind, this event is tailored for everyone interested in harnessing the upcoming big data wave.
Symposium Highlights:
- Big Data in Macroecology: Explore the potential of big data in reshaping macroecology research.
- Challenges in Biodiversity Data Research: Navigate the hurdles and opportunities presented by the vast biodiversity datasets.
- Machine Learning and AI in Conservation: Discover applications of cutting-edge technology in conservation efforts.
- Digital Twins for Ecosystems: Gain insights into the perspectives on digital twins for understanding ecosystems.
- Scaling up DNA-Based Ecology Research: Explore advancements in scaling up ecology research through DNA data.
Event Details:
- Host: Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (SBDI)
- Date: January 24th-25th, 2024
- Venue: Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm
What to Expect:
- Keynotes and Presentations
- Posters Display
- Live Demonstrations
- Networking Opportunities
Iliad Participation:
Iliad partner, Arne Jørgen Berre (SINTEF Digital, Smart Data group in Sustainable Communication Technologies department and is an invited keynote speaker. Arne is the scientific coordinator in the Iliad Digital Twins of the Ocean project and will present the keynote in the session: "Perspectives on digital twins for ecosystems and ecological modelling".
In his presentation, entitled "Ecosystem Digital Twin pipelines with Big Data and AI", Arne will delve into the fascinating realm of Ecosystem and Biodiversity digital twin pipelines, offering a comprehensive exploration of a standards-based framework. Drawing insights from prominent European projects like DTO-BioFlow, BioDT, Destination Earth/DestinE, and Iliad/EDITO Digital Twins of the Ocean, the presentation promises a rich tapestry of knowledge.