Genillard & Co. GmbH

Genillard & Co. GmbH


Genillard & Co. GmbH was established in 2003 in Munich. It comprises of two business divisions: Within our team of Consulting & Services, G&Co investigates current market trends, designs innovative insurance products and tools, and provides a critical role with the development of new business areas in both publicly funded and commercial projects.

At G&Co, the interdisciplinary expertise of the team (broking, economics, agro- and geoscience) is applied to advise and deliver solutions primarily in emerging risks, the impacts of climate change and natural hazards on the (agricultural) economy and the insurance business. This own expertise of G&Co employees is highly beneficial for communication purposes and the generation of understanding on the side of the academia or data provider as well as on that of the insurance industry.

The company contributes to customers’ success through its holistic architecture of understanding, monitoring and managing risks. Within the project our goal is to evaluate requirements, possible pathways and develop new means and insurance mechanisms based on improved monitoring and forecasting capacities in the maritime environment.

G&Co’s customers and partners are international corporations, insurance companies and public institutions across Europe and beyond.

The high diversity in business contacts of G&Co within European countries, which vary broadly in terms of socioeconomic, demographic, and climatic characteristics, will especially be beneficial for the selection of different pilot cases. This can cover a broad range of different stakeholders and geographical requirements for the tools developed in the Iliad project.

Role In Project

Genillard&Co is the partner responsible for developing and validating business ideas and insurance mechanisms for strengthening the resilience of coastal communities and operators at sea in terms of coastal erosion, eutrophication and wave energy. G&Co has a wide network among insurance and reinsurance companies involved inNatCat and innovative insurance product design (index insurance) and will therefore enable the evaluation of input data of the herein developed tools and services. As an end-user, G&Co is also able to assess business opportunities stemming from the output data and models which ultimately are designed to increase the resilience of stakeholders. Our co-design philosophy in a public-private environment includes the cooperation with a wide range of challenge owners and solution providers. This will strengthen the evaluation process and the uptake of the developed solution. Besides the stakeholder engagement in development process of new solutions, we will conduct workshops and further dissemination and exploitation tasks of the project activities as an important and integral aspect of our daily business activities.

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