INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
INESC Technology and Science – INESC TEC is an Associate Laboratory with 30 years of experience in R&D and technology transfer, is a private non-profit research institution having as associates the University of Porto, INESC and the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. With around 800 researchers (350 PhD), working in the interface between the academic world and the industrial and service companies, as well as the public administration, the activity at INESC TEC run under the paradigm of the knowledge to value production chain: Knowledge and results generated at basic research are typically injected in technology transfer projects and therefore they receive added social relevance. The existence of an Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit assures the effectiveness of this model.
INESC TEC has a large experience in EU funded projects participating in 40 FP7 R&D Projects and coordinating 3 of them: EXPLORE -Extended Exploitation Of European Research Projects Knowledge And Results; FOCUS - Advances in Forestry Control and aUtomation Systems in Europe; Net-Challenge - Innovative networks of SMEs for complex products manufacturing. In H2020 INESC TEC participates already in 25 projects coordinating 4 of them (AnyPLACE - Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange; SafeCloud - Secure and Resilient Cloud Architecture; ScalABLE4.0
- Scalable automation for flexible production systems; STRONGMAR - STRengthening MARritime Technology Research Center). INESC TEC team members have extensive experience in the development and use of data analysis tools that are relevant for this project. They include but are not limited to the following ones: multi-relational data mining, statistical analysis tools, general data mining and relational sequence mini
Role In Project
INESC TEC is leading the development of a service processing layer for AI/Analytics services in WP5.