WP12 Project Management
Create the necessary governance structure for effective project management.
The Governance structure will be confirmed including organisations and persons within these organisations as explained in the structure, as well as the roles, responsibilities and activities of the different committees and other decision rules.
- Duration: M1 - M12
- Task Lead: Netcompany-Intrasoft (INTRA)
The Coordinator will be responsible for the co-ordination of the different Work Packages and scientific and technical aspects of the project. For this purpose, the Coordinator will be supported by a Scientific, Innovation and Administrative Manager. Together they form the PEB. The Coordinator will also be responsible for the day-to-day communications with the EC as well as for all technical, administrative, financial, ethical and legal issues as well as for the management of the knowledge. Work Packages leaders will be responsible for the coordination of their Work Packages and task leaders will be responsible for the coordination of their respective tasks. The overall coordination also includes ensuring that the project objectives related to impact and societal engagement are achieved. The Coordinator will be the chairman of the General Assembly and the PEB.
- Duration: M1 - M36
- Task Lead: Netcompany-Intrasoft (INTRA)
The communication flow will be bottom-up and top-down through the typical communication methods such as: meetings, e-mail, phone, fax etc. In particular a cooperative working method using the website will be established. The system will be organised with a structure in which all participants can leave and download information to and from the different WPs and tasks according to their role and responsibilities. Passwords will be facilitated to all partners as well as to the EC.
- Duration: M1 - M6
- Task Lead: Agora Partners (AGORA)
Each WP leader will develop a data management plan for the work conducted in their WP. This will require them to liaise with each member of their WP and to document the precise nature of the data to be gathered, ethical issues associated with these data and their storage (e.g. creating an informed consent form), and procedures to be adopted to ensure that the data are recorded in a systematic and safe manner. Discussions on these issues will not only take place within each WP but will also involve the RTD Manager who will ensure that the deposition of data to the secure website archive complies with best practice in data management. Access to this site will be strictly limited and controlled
- Duration: M1 - M36
- Task Lead: Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis (DUTH)
The PEB will be responsible for continuous risk management (i.e. technical, financial and administrative risk) and for an effective implementation of the contingency plan, which will be periodically reviewed. After each major stage of the project, the PE will conduct a risk assessment of the achieved results and determine in advance if a correction action should be carried out for the next stages. This includes
- reporting any minor deviations from the project plan to the General Assembly (GA);
- implementing the GA recommendations in the contingency plan associated with the specific WP in question;
- drafting additional or alternative contingency plans, if needed, together with other relevant persons (e.g. the WP Leader in question;
- communicating the conclusions from the GA, regarding the revised strategies, to all project members and include them in the project plan; and
- In the event of more serious problems, convene with the GA the best route forward; the Coordinator will then advise the EU of the problem and seek EU approval for the proposed solution.
- Duration: M1 - M36
- Task Lead: Netcompany-Intrasoft (INTRA)